Saturday, May 29, 2010

It's been a long time coming...

Well, i guess the best thing for me to do is to say i will update once a year because i believe that is what it has come to. I hadn't thought about this blog in a very long time until i was contacted recently by an old 4400 friend, Patrick, and it made me want to update those very few faithful readers on my life.

When i last posted, i spoke of the Uprising. There is so much to say about that so i will try to make a special post in the coming days just to explain it.

However, i can update you now on my life.

I'll start with my family. My parents are doing well. They still live in Cali and Camryn is just becoming a little grown-up. She is almost 10 years old now, i can't believe when all this started 3 years ago Xay and I were teenagers and our little baby sister was just a baby to us. Now she is almost a teenager and we are adults. Thanks to promicin, we grew up a lot sooner than we would have otherwise. Especially Xay, in my last two posts i talked about how proud i am of my brother and he still never ceases to amaze me. About 2 weeks after my last post we found a place to move to in Georgia. We packed up all our stuff, which wasn't much, and headed to Atlanta. It was quite the culture shock. I guess now i can talk about our first safe house was in Michigan and we had grown up on the West Coast. So, the American South was a very different place to live. Our connection there found us a beautiful apartment where all four of us could live and it was close enough to the city for easy commuting. Although, Christian brought his car with him. We are thankfully he did because for a while, it was the only car we had.

Christian and Chae, our friends i introduced in my most "recent" posts, are still with us. Christian just graduated from the college here. After 5 years of moving around, changing schools, and running for his life, he finally got his biology degree and now he is headed to medical school. He decided to stay close and go to school here. He tell Chae and I it is so he can protect us, but i think it is more about being scared to be off on his own. His ability is a scarier one, but i have always been there to help him put out his fires. (more about that later...) Chae and I are seniors now. Chae plans on going to graduate school after college and hopefully receive a PhD in mathematics. She is so smart and she has been helping me as long as we've been in college together. I told her she can't ever leave me, but we are family now. And things took a horrible turn in Seattle since we were gone. Christian and Chae haven't heard from their mother in about 8 months. I think they are too scared to find out the truth.

I mentioned Xay, but let me give ya the details! He hasn't stepped foot in a college since we first left Seattle, but he has started a mini "Center". Through his boring office job, church, people in our building, and people at my school, we have met MANY promicin positives here in Atlanta. It was so crazy at first we thought that we were in some kind of trap or something. But i guess we weren't the only positives to run for our lives to HOT-lanta. This gave Xay the courage to start a new center teaching the same principles and methods he had learned from Shawn Ferrell and our Grandma. In her honor (and to try to be as inconspicuous as we could) we named it the Katherine Gipson Teaching Center. One of the positives we have met is David O'Donnell, a very rich man who took promicin during a dark time in his life when he was homeless. He "gift" was a King Midas complex where everything he touched turned to gold figuratively. Basically, he became the luckiest person alive. Thankfully, he was a person with a heart of gold as well and he has used his good fortune to help others. So, now we have a new center where we have weekly meetings and training seminar and each of us have a part to help. I will have to tell you more stories later. But i said all that to say, my brother has done a lot to continue to help people and i am just so proud of him.

As for me, I have one more year in college and then i will get my Master's in Meteorology. I found a TV news station to work at here in Atlanta and now i'm not a "go-get-my-coffee" girl here, but i am an assistant to the meteorologist. Of course that means i get his coffee sometimes, but he as teaches me a lot. And now that it's the summer, he would like me to start my senior internship working with him. I am so excited! He told me he would like to take me to Arkansas or Kansas to do some storm chasing. I think i would like that. I've never been to either of those places and i would like to see what tornado alley is all about. (i'd also like to know if i am able to control an already formed tornado) I have used my ability some. I talked about how before the Uprising, Shawn taught me how to project my power. Since that doesn't affect me or those near me bringing attention to myself, i have been able to practice that. Apparently, their have been no droughts and the hurricane season has been fairly mild so far. I can't catch everything. Oh! and when i talked about putting out Christian's fire, like all our powers, they are tied to our emotions. Applying for medical school can make you quite stressed, so we would have frequent rain showers so our apartment wouldn't burn down. Christian always felt bad about it, but i knew it wasn't his fault. I think he doesn't see any good he can do with his power, but that is just not true. I was in a chemistry class with him as my lab assistant last year and he was always helpful at lighting my Bunsen burner. (haha)

Well, on a different note, I am sorry i am giving you so much information in one post, but i have one or two other things i want to tell you because i honestly don't know when i'll write again.

There have been a little romance going on since moved to ATL. Xay's Seattle girlfriend, Ruby, is HERE! I ran into her out at the college. She was helping the Botany teacher (surprise, surprise). I brought her to the center that night and Xay just wept for joy. Apparently, he never stopped thinking about her and she never stopped thinking about him. They are just so cute together! And even this weathergirl has taken a little time to date...Christian. I don't know when it happened, but i guess all the running brought us together. I don't know where all this will take us, but i'm excited!

Hopefully, more to come, but if not...see ya next year!


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Land before the Uprising I

Every time i look back at my old posts it just makes me smile. In someways while reading it i feel like a 50 year old woman looking at her high school senior yearbook and it other ways, i feel like i'm living it all over again. When i read my post from last night, i truly didn't give you all the details i would have liked, but it's going to take more than one posts to bring you guys up-to-date with the life of this weathergirl. haha

I thought i should use this post to go back to life before the Uprising. I guess since the Uprising happened only five months ago it is the freshest in my mind. But we did have a year's worth of semi-utopian life in "Promise City".

Right after the change, it seemed that most of the newborns were taking to this new life pretty well. Some had gifts that were overwhelming and there were reports of suicide among our new promicin positive friends. But most people seemed to be adjusting fairly well. Xavier, Shawn, and Grandma were busier than ever at the center. Shawn was healing and helping every newborn he could. Grandma had started peace and negotiation talks between positives, 4400s, and the government. She was leading weekly "PPA" meetings, as i called them. (Promicin Positives Anonymous) Those that participated enjoyed it. I even got my friends to go with me a few times (Chae and Christian included...) Xavier was really shining at the center. He, along with several other helpers, was teaching people how to gain control of their powers. I remember that Xay just naturally had a gift in controling his "gift". It took me the longest time to control mine. If i'm having a bad day, i still carry an unbrella just in case i lose control. But i have been able to effectively control the use of my gift and i was getting to the point of helping areas i was not geographically in. Shawn and Jordan encouraged me to think beyond my personal boundaries. It wasn't easy, but i began to learn how to project and concentrate my power. I got as far as england with a light snow storm. It was so exciting!

But back to that awesome brother of mine. The postives at the center just completely took to Xay. Especially, a girl by the name of Ruby who had the gift of seeding vegetation. Xay and Ruby did a little teamwork to start their own garden. He would plow the ground and she would spring up the vegetables. It was really cool! And they worked so well together. I kinda gave him a hard time about his "green thumb" girlfriend, but that's what sisters are for. haha

Well, someone i haven't mentioned yet is Nicole. I had told you guys that she moved to Alabama to help take care of her little brother. Well, she came to visit a couple of times before the Uprising. She shocked us by the news that her brother was promicin positive. She told us the doctors said that the best way for him to heal was to take promicin. When he did, the drug matched perfectly with his system. After a few days, he was a completely new boy. He could walk, talk, and even run. Things that every 10 year old boy should be able to do, but this one could not until now. He was all over the news as the miracle, "Promicin Boy". Oddly enough, he didn't develop a gift. Somehow i think that his renewed body was his gift. Nicole hung out at the center some while she was here but she was not excited at all about Collier's "Promicin/Promise City". She still uses her gift from time to time, but after almost being attacked in the street, she left Seattle running.

Can't say i blame her. But i just pray she is safe wherever she is.

While helping at the center when i could and maybe working part-time at a local newstation as the "hey-get-me-some-coffee" girl, i was a full time student at Seattle University. I'm a meterology major with a minor in chemistry (i find it interesting...). Although i joked that meterology would be an unfair advantage, i don't technically have the power to predict what weather is GOING to happen, just create my own. So i'll have to work just like any other meterologist with my equipment. And when i do have a bad, sad, mad, or any other wise day, i can successfully give people a heads-up.

Like i said yesterday, i met my new traveling companions at school. Chae is a math major. I should have guessed her power before i saw it in action because she was ALWAYS the first person to finish a test in our Calculus class. She helped tutor me. That was when i first started to get to know Christian. He is a weird guy, but nice, sweet and extremely popular. Christian would be classified as a junior and while Chae and I are sophomores. Christian is that guy that ALL the girls love and ALL the guys hate. But Chaelia is the only one who can get under his skin. It's very funny to watch. I remember going over their house to study for a test one night. And Christian was annoyed that Chaelia used all of the showertime that morning and made him late for school (for the 16th time) so he decided to trick her into thinking he was having a bonfire with some of her favorite books. When she smelled the smoke, it took her five seconds to get outside, two to put out the fire, and ten seconds to turn Christian's room into a disaster area. (i was watching this the whole time)

Needless to say, when she found out it was a joke she felt bad and Christian made her clean it all up. I used a good wind to help her out and pick up all the junk she threw outside. Of course, they tried to hide the major fight from their mom, but of course, she knew when they were lying. haha Grounded for a week, if i remember correctly. Seeing them fight like that made me think of me and Xay. We fought a lot more before all of this promicin stuff brought us together, but we still have our fall outs now and then.

Well, we are about to have dinner. Xay and Christian have been searching all day trying to find places we can relocate to. It's not working yet, but we will see. While we've been here in Cali, we did enroll back in school so we wouldn't get behind (well, all of us but Xay). Now that the summer's starting, this is the perfect time to try and find our own place before school starts in the fall.

If anyone is still reading and you know a place we can relocate too, let us know. Please.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

O What A World: A Year in Review


I can't believe it's been one year, five months, and 10 days since i wrote on this blog. I'm sure most of you have given up on me. It's amazing how much can change in a year....

Where do i start, well for one i feel like i need to get back in the habit of writing again. Call it my "half-year's" resolution. haha But as i found out before i probably should not try to make any promises. I guess i'll start my update with Xay.

When i last wrote, Xavier was trying to get his life together. Well, things were going great and then the Uprising happened back in January. All the new positive in Seattle just went crazy and started destroying the city. Jordan Collier, the appointed leader, was trying to calm everyone down but he could not get to every rogue newborn positive before it was too late. Authorities (aka the NTAC, FBI, CIA, NCIS, a lot of other acronyms) were called in and once again fear took over and they started rounding up EVERY positive in a 500 mile radius. So, needless to say we've been on the run before and we decided to do it again. Xavier wanted to stay and help Shawn, but Shawn knew that we should get the chance to find normal life. Especially, after our grandmother selflessly gave hers fighting against the newborns. We owned it to her to try and find life.

So, Xay, Chae (one of my new found positive friends i met at school), Christian (Chae's brother), and I went on the run. The closest and most reasonable first stop was my parents. Like i said in my last post, our relationship with our parents is getting better. It is nowhere near the way it used to be or should be but it is the best it has been in a long time. During the past year, we spent every holiday with them that we could and we even recieved gifts on our birthday. My little sister, Camryn, has been growing up so much since we have been gone. During christmas, our parents finally let us tell (and show) Camryn the reason why we moved away and our "gifts". Of course, she thought her older brother and sister were superheroes and she wanted to be just like us. The 'rents definitely nipped that thought in the bud...haha

Although things were pretty peachy with our parents, they were a little shocked to see us drop by unannounced at midnight with two strangers. Speaking of strangers, i should probably take this time to let you know at little bit about Chaelia and Christian Baker...

I met Chae during a math class i was taking last fall (i've decided to run with that Meteroligist idea...). She was always really fidgity, but she was a lot of fun. We started talking during class one day and became instant friends. I didn't find out that she was positive until i saw her after school one day chasing after her brother's car that was beginning to leave her. It took her all of two seconds to be right in front of the car's path in plenty of time for her brother to see her. Obviously, something like super speed was her gift. I asked her about it the next day and that's when she told me her story: Her family is originally from Portland, Oregon. Her mother was one of the original 4400 who disappeared eight days before christmas 2000. Her father drank himself to death soon after her disappearance and her brother, Christian, stepped up to take care of them both. You can imagine their surprise when their mother returned in a ball of light back in 2004. She couldn't believe that her husband was dead and her chrildren were 4 years older. But she needed her kids to be with her, so she talked them into moving to Seattle to live with her. Life wasn't easy for them adjusting to a mother who had not lived through the 4 years of hell that they both knew so well, but they tried. It probably wasn't helpful that this mother was the human lie detector so she knew that they really did not want to be there.

When the opportunity of promicin presented itself, Christian jumped at the chance against his mother's wishes. Not wanted to be left out, Chae took it too. Christian had an adverse reaction to the promicin at first and they weren't sure if he was going to make it, but he did. And he recieved the ability of a "firestarter" which became one the more dangerous powers of the family. But all three of them could live normally, they didn't try to let this effect their lives much. But it did, especially, after the Uprising when all 4400s were being recaptured for the one millionth time. This fear for their mother and their own lives is what drew them to follow us.

I came to find out later that Christian and Xavier had met before at the center. Apparently, Christian is (or was) a Pre-medicine major at the college that Chae and i go to. For his volunteer hours, he would shadow the "healer", our good friend Shawn Farrell. This is where he met Xavier which i think made Chrisitian feel a little less awkward being with us.

We left Seattle back in March and now it is May. We have been able to settle down and rest for a while, but we can't stay here much longer. We are looking for a new direction to go in. We are thinking maybe somewhere southeastern (georgia, tennessee) but we aren't sure yet. I don't know if it's being on the run or what but i've been renvigorated to write again. I'll keep you updated on when we find a place.

That's all for now, folks! It feels GREAT to be back!


Monday, January 7, 2008

As The Winds Of Change Blow....'s been an extremely long time since i've been here. The world has change tremendously since this time last summer. Hell, the world has changed tremendously since last month, last week, yesterday, a few minutes ago....with the entire city either dead or promicin positive with an ability, Seattle is a very different Seattle than what i moved to last July. I never thought i would be able to walk down the street and share abilities with another person without the fear of NTAC or worse.

I'm sorry i haven't wrote in a long time, i guess i should update you all from where i left off.......

Well, i'm not ususally the girl of broken promises, but it makes me laugh (a whole 5 almost 6 months later) at how i promised to get better at bad.

I had just got back from Cali. My parents still live there, our relationship has gotten better, but in NO way were they going to come spend Christmas in a town full of positives. So, Xavier and I actually spend the holidays with our famliy in Cali, i liked being around beautiful peaceful beach. And somehow it was extremely nice the whole time we were there....;) (at little christmas present to myself)

OH speaking of Xavier, he actually is trying to get his life together. He is working part-time with Shawn Farrell and our Grandmother at the Center, which has been basically a big teaching center since Seattle went positive. He loves telling our story of how he felt like he needed a purpose with his life so he took promicin. It really effects the people who are struggling with their new found "ability". Xavier is balancing all of this while going to school with me. I LOVE school, i hated to admit that to my parents, but i am enjoying College WAY more than high school. And i'm even making better grades, this C average high school student actually pulled an A in my science class. I think i might want to do something to do with science, maybe meterology, how ironic would that be? someone with the control OVER the weather studying the changes in it. I dunno, maybe that would be an unfair advantage. :P

I'm sure you are all wondering what happened to Nicole. Well, after Promise City BECAME Seattle, Nicole was a little overwhelmed with all the new changes...and she wanted to try normal life for a while, so she move to Alabama with her dad and little brother. We still keep in touch with her, he little brother is doing EXTREMELY well, he spent some time at St. Jude's in Memphis and he had a life changing surgery and therapy. He actually is walking now. I can understand why Nicole wanted to go home and be with her family.

Well, i think that is the big things that happened in the past 6 months. Still keeping an eye on this brand new world.


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

To Be Worried or To NOT Be Worried...THAT Is The Question.

I think the more i do this blog the MORE i'm getting worse at updating it. Maybe it's just hard to gather my thoughts and maybe it's just hard to sit down and write. I dunno...but i PROMISE i'm going to try and get better at this.

So, last week, i went to Cali for the holiday. It wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. My parents were happy to see that we were still alive, they were kinda worried to find out that we were in Seattle, but when i told them that it was with grandma, my dad was relieved, but i think my mom was worried EVEN more. They also couldn't let us get away without pushing college ONE last time. So, between fireworks and barbaque they gave us the good 'ol "Education is Important" lecture with a subtle "we only want what's best for you at the end". We told them that we would "think" about it, but we weren't going to make any promises. All in All, It was an okay trip and i think we ALL needed it.

When we got back, Grandma was going CRAZY without us. The house was a wreck and there were dirty clothes stacked to the CEILING. It was hard to believe that we had only been gone for 5 days instead of 5 weeks. I guess grandma's getting a little confused with her "double" life. Right now, she not only works for NTAC, but now she's back working at the center. She is working VERY closely with Ms. Tobey. I think they plan to reopen the school. I don't think grandma can keep playing both sides of the fence, i think it's an either "us or them" type of situation. But she doesn't want to lose the power of working for NTAC or the joy she gets from working at the 4400 center. i'm sure it is hard to choose.

As for me, Xay, and Nicole, I decided to take my parents advice for once and i'm enrolling in school for the fall. I'm bring Xay down with me and i think Nicole wants to try college, too. Since Grandma said that we can stay as LONG as we like, as long as we help her around the house and with the "other" thing she wants us to do. So, why not go to school, for once i agree with my parents, Education is important and who knows, i could possibly LIKE school....IMAGINE THAT.

The only thing i'm still worried about is what's gonna happen next, but i guess you can't worry about tomorrow, you just have to live from day to day.


Monday, July 2, 2007

Family Matters

Well, I'm not getting very good at this everyday blog thing, but i'm trying. It's just been so crazy ever since we came to Seattle. Who knew that everything would be so different?

The last time i posted, i mentioned something about a dinner where my grandma had planned to tell us EVERYTHING. Well, we had that dinner and she still didn't come clean, but the most she told us was that she needed our help. She has some plans to start working with Shawn and the 4400 center again, now that it's reopening. And she's worried about the conflicts that would cause with her job at NTAC, but she really wants to get reconciled with her 4400 brothers and sisters. That's GREAT! but...umm...what does that have to do with us? According to what i've heard, Shawn is only worried about 4400s NOT positives. It seems to him we are the problem and if it hadn't been for us his life would be TEN times better. We are supposedly in a WHOLE other catagory. But I wasn't the one that put promicin out on the streeets, that was COLLIER. I just decided to take it. But i want to be apart and to help. I just don't know how yet.

I've been going crazy just sitting around the house and doing nothing. At least when we were out on our own, we had jobs and felt independent, but now i feel SO useless. Nicole feels about the same way, even though she didn't like her job, but she still enjoyed getting out of the house everyday. And Xavier is doing practically the same thing he has been doing since we left home, so he really doesn't care. I think grandma was starting to notice that i was about to crack, so she proposing a little "field trip" before we get busy "helping" her. She suggests that we go see our parents. (yeah...right)'s been about a month since we've seen them and sure....they probably miss us. But they made their decision to kick us out and then wanted to change there minds about it when we finally got excited about leaving. Who's to say they won't try to control us AGAIN? and make us stay with them. And WHO is grandma to talk, we hadn't even seen OR heard from her in almost 2 years. Maybe that's why she wants us to go back to Cali for a visit. But i tell ya, I'm getting TIRED of all this crazy wild goose chase traveling. But I guess grandma's right, they are my ONLY parents, and the 4th of July is wednesday, and family matters. So i guess, i'll swallow my pride for a couple of days and drive down to Cali. This should be an interesting road trip......


For those who are promicin positive like me, maybe someday we will get our independence back again, but until then...i guess all we can do is try to enjoy our limited freedom.


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Just Gotta Make It's been a crazy week so far.

We are finally in Seattle. It seemed like we would NEVER make it here. We didn't get to leave on Monday because we had some problems getting everything together and the mail got delayed because of some strike, so we didn't even get the money for our tickets til' yesterday. And when me and Nicole tried to tell our bosses that we were going to take off for a week or more, but we couldn't tell them where why we were going. Well....let's just say we don't have to worry about that anymore, because they gave us our two weeks pay and told us that we are FIRED. So, i guess i can't mess with Xavier anymore about being jobless. (Haha)

So, after all that on Monday, the only thing we could do is pack up our stuff, which wasn't that much anyways, and get ready to leave on Tuesday. Thankfully, our landlord was a little more understanding, he said that he would try to hold the house for us until we come back, but if someone else needs it more he will have to give it to them. We understand. Grandma was VERY vague about everything about this little visit and she still is for that matter. We arrived here last night and she was about 2 hours late from picking us up. She said she had some last minute paperwork to do. But she apoligized over and over again and kept telling us how HAPPY she was to see us. We left the airport to go to her house. She has a BEAUTIFUL house. I guess she makes pretty good money as an NTAC agent. haha Although, she said it had something to do with grandpa's life insurance. She has been back for almost 4 years now and last year was the FIRST time she got any of the things she was suppose to recieve before she was abducted. Actually, Grandpa died about 2 years before she was returned. It was so sad. My family thinks that he died from a broken heart and i know Grandma sometimes blames herself.

Maybe that has something to do why she wanted us to move out here, maybe she is tired of being lonely. I don't know....maybe it's something bigger.

Well....anyways, she stayed up talking to us as long as she could about our trip, but we could tell she was tired. So she said that tonight she would make us dinner and we could talk about EVERYTHING then. I don't know what "everything" means, but i'm wonder if it has ANYTHING to do with the 4400 or promicin positives...
